Friday, June 27, 2014

Facing the Elements

 The rains came down, but that didn't stop the 12th ward from moving forward with assembling flowers.  A garage was converted into a makeshift painting post and everyone made the best of a damp situation.  The group planned another evening to finish the job when the weather was more cooperative.

And then there was wind.

What started out as a beautiful, cool evening, ended in a crazy, middle of the night wind storm.  Once again the 12th ward met to finish the flowers.  All was well.  Flowers were hung on the lawn and things were working well, until 4:00 am rolled around.  The winds picked up which also woke up the Farrell family, who bolted out of bed in the middle of the night and proceeded to search for the flowers in the neighboring field.  The Menloves also jumped into action in the wee hours of the morning to make sure the flowers were safe.  Thankfully, everything was recovered.  The only thing that was lost was a little sleep.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Not Afraid To Get Dirty!

The 7th Ward happily took on the task of creating the garden and luckily no one was afraid to get dirty!  Who knew bending wire was such messy work?!  The first two nights were dedicated to making watermelon, carrot, beet and cabbage leaves.  A beautiful summer night to be together and beautiful leaves were created! 

Job Well Done!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Never too Old...or Young

The 11th Ward was up next and no one was too old...or young to help!!  It is true what they say, "many hands make light work.".  200 more apples leaves were cut, glued and painted with great precision.  It was quite the production.  It definitely takes a "stake" to build a float and it couldn't be done without you!  
Thank you!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Many Working Hands

Many working hands make light work, or in the case of the 7th ward, light green work. Thank you for all of your hard work so far!  We have had apple parties, putty buddies, green paint coming out of our ears, men with glue guns, endured the smell of a hot knife meeting foam.  But through all of this exciting crafting that has taken place, it has been truly rewarding to see families and friends in the neighborhood, gathering together to help create the float.   We have more work to do, more painting, flowers to make, beehives to carve, a Mill Creek to create and a tree to give life to al a Great Stuff spray foam.  We have a handful of marathon days ahead of us, but face them knowing we have tremendous support from an outstanding neighborhood. 

To see more pictures of the neighborhood float parties, please refer to our Instagram account:  Instagram Pictures, EMCNFloat

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Real Men Use Glue Guns!

Cutting out, hot gluing wire and painting 400 leaves for the apple tree is not for the faint of heart!  Thank goodness the 1st and 11th wards were up for the task.  The 1st ward went first (fitting isn't it :)!) and did beautiful work!  Real men and women really do use glue guns!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

We Have Apples!

The 16th Ward gathered for a morning of carving, puttying, painting and sanding.  The result: APPLES.  Thank you to all who came out and helped.  You may have white foam fragments in your hair for a few weeks, but it was worth it.  A big thank you to Rulon Teerlink for personally carving 80 apples on his homemade lathe!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Pioneer Family Home Evening

June is the perfect month to teach your family about the rich history of our neighborhood.  We have prepared a Family Home Evening lesson and activity for you.  You will find brief summaries of three of the first families that settled here as well as information about the first school.  We've even included a link to "pioneer" desserts. 

Family Home Evening

Also, don't forget to send us your memories of Millcreek.  Send us a paragraph or two of a memory or an impression of living in this great neighborhood.  You can also send us a picture with a brief summery.  We will display your submissions on the blog.  Find out more details here:

Millcreek Memories

Finally, float construction will be in full swing this month.  Look for assignments to be made.  If you are willing to help out, email us at

Thank you to everyone for all of your help.  What a wonderful experience this has been.